The approximately thirty-member East Central Indiana Chamber Orchestra is comprised of a core group of adult musicians from this section of the state, infused anew each school year with a changing roster of area university & high school students.

The orchestra organization’s goals are:

  • to promote the appreciation and performance of light classical music to new audiences, especially for families and area citizens whose finances may not stretch far enough to cover attending live, local musical events
  • to bring diverse musicians together for community service and mutual personal growth, as well as create an example of music-based ‘getting to know you’ cooperation
  • to enhance various concert venues throughout this region by putting Free Public Concert programs close to the neighborhoods of its audiences

From its origin more than twenty years ago (when the organization was known as the Sinfonietta) to the present, this music group’s aim is to share – and sometimes introduce – the immense beauty and inspirational benefits of classical music and to make it non-intimidating and available to all. This intent has continued through many creative and free public appearances over the years.

One very important outcome is that the yearly group of students performing with the ECICO adult players (whose main occupation may not be as a music professional) learn that the joy and fulfillment of group musical performance can indeed extend way beyond school years.

Also for these students, playing in a group not tied to their usual school setup can be an entirely new avenue of achievement and involvement. At the same time, the older players in the ECICO have an opportunity to enjoy making music with the younger generation.

As we learn from each other, we all benefit our shared community.

ECICO Board of Directors 2022-2023

Van Nelson

Vice President
Steven Murphy

David Blakey, Ex-officio

Isaac Denniston, Ex-officio

Recording Secretary
& Acting Co-Treasurer
Kathy Jo Carter

Jean Amman

Janet Burkhart

Information, Promotion
Kathy Huggler

At-Large members:
Roger Nelson
Ross Van Ness
Dick Grill
Rebecca Dorn